North American Headquarters of major Automobile Manufacturer. Fiberglass and Composite parts are hand finished in two large Environmental Control Booths, thus containing the dust and keeping it out of the worker's breathing zone and the general shop environment.

Location: Torrance, CA

Installation Date: 1996

Type of Polutant: Fiberglass and Composite Dust

Airflow: (2) Booths at 27,000 cfm each

Capture Method:
Enclosure Method. By enclosing or containing the process in a Booth with backdraft style capture through the Dust Collectors, the dust that is generated is pulled to the back of the Booth, away from the worker's breathing zone and out the of the general shop environment.

Filtration System:
(2) Six Module Torit Dust Collector Environmental Control Booths. The Dust Collectors are High Efficiency, Self-Cleaning Cartridge Style Dust Collectors. The exhaust air from these units are exhausted outdoors to remove the odor that is associated with the fiberglass.